Ages 5 to 7
Volunteer Coaches
We introduce basic skills but the emphasis is on FUN! The season kicks off with our WUFC Soccer Fest the first week of September. Coaches will organize 1-2 practices a week starting late August. League games are against all WUFC teams on home fields in West Linn and Wilsonville and will be played on Saturdays.

3rd-8th GRADE
Ages 8 to 14
Volunteer Coaches
The season kicks off with our WUFC Soccer Fest the first week of September. Coaches will organize 1-2 practices a week starting late August. Our 3rd – 4th grade team league games are against all WUFC teams on home fields in West Linn and Wilsonville. 5th – 8th grade teams will play league games against teams from the south metro area in our Soccer 5 league. Each team has games on our Home fields in West Linn & Wilsonville and Away games on the local opponents fields. Games will be played on Saturdays.

High School Coed
Ages 14 to 19
Volunteer Coaches
This program is for High School aged players that choose not to play for their school teams. Practices begin in late August, with league games played on Saturdays. Our High School Coed teams play in our Soccer 5 Coed League with a balance of girls and boys on each team. Each team has games on our home fields in West Linn and Wilsonville and away games on the local opponents fields. We end the season with a fun year end tournament in early November.